Introducing MPX:TR - The BOSS for Tech Recycling Businesses

We are excited to introduce MPX:TR – your very own Business Operating System as a Service (BOSS) designed to transform the efficiency, traceability, and profitability of your recommerce and consumer electronics recycling business.

What is MPX:TR?

MPX:TR stands for MPX:Tech Recycle, a robust business operating system designed specifically for recommerce and consumer electronics recycling businesses. It embodies a suite of tools and functionalities aimed at simplifying, optimizing, and enhancing every aspect of your business, from inventory management (using Serial/Imei Numbers) to multi-channel selling, data-erasure & device analytics processes, and beyond.

Key Features:

  • Advanced Inventory Management: Unique Asset Tracking so you know where each and every device is in your process. Track your costs, fees, grading and else everything else you need to know.

  • Seamless Integration: We’re fully integrated with Blackbelt & Blancco, allowing you to manage the analytics and data-wiping of all your devices in one place.

  • Multi-Channel Integrations: Manage your inventory and orders across multiple sales channels, including; Amazon, Backmarket, WooCommerce and more.

  • Buyback / Trade In: End-to-end processing of your trade-in devices. Receive, test, inspect, re-offer and make payment - all whilst keeping your customers up to date via automated communications.

  • Multi Currency & Tax Schemes: Buying and Selling cross-boarder? Marginal and Reverse Tax Schemes making things difficult to account for? We’ve got you covered.


In the rapidly evolving market of consumer electronics and the constant pressure to create a circular economy, staying competitive requires not just adapting to changes but staying ahead of them. MPX:TR is designed to give your business that edge. Plus, we have over 10+ years’ experience working with some of the UK’s biggest recommerce companies.

For more information or to schedule a demo, hit the link here.

Alternatively, you can contact our MPX:TR team directly on:
or call us on: +44 (0) 1785 508 067


A decade of Refurbished Technology


What is a BOSS system?