Why do businesses choose MPX?

Running a business brings its own challenges and rewards. But at times, it can feel like you’re swimming upstream and battling against the current - especially when implementing systems and processes into your operations. 

We know what that’s like, and we also know that it doesn’t have to be that way.  Because whatever your issues are, there is always a solution.

Now, we’re often asked why people choose MPX as their BOSS (Business Operating System as a Service) and what makes us different, so we decided to have a good think about that question… And we think we've answered it.

You see, one of the BIGGEST reasons is that when something needs doing, we do it.

There’s no waiting around for a new feature because "not enough other clients have requested it" – we work WITH you to design a continuous roadmap forward. Each MPX is it's own independent installation, that means it can be customised by the very team who built MPX in the first place - A bespoke feel without the 6 figure bill.

In fact, we’ve answered the question about why people choose MPX in our VIDEO below…

And if that sounds like something you’d like to find out a bit more about, then you can CLICK HERE to book a 15-minute intro call with us to find out how we can help you get things done and move your business forwards this year.


Let’s make this year your best yet!


A decade of Refurbished Technology